Physique Formula
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There are many different ways to measure body composition and bioelectric impedance is one of the most popular methods to measure body ratios. The navy-seal formula is another simple way of measuring body fat ratio which takes into account simple variables such as gender, weight, height, waist, hip and neck circumference. The objective of our study was to compare the results of body fat composition by these two methods.
The Navy-seal formula had slightly higher values for both muscle mass and body fat ratio in both genders and across all body mass index (BMI) categories. Body fat ratio and muscle mass of both genders were similar in underweight, normal, over weight and obese participants. In males, the results on two instruments showed more similarity with the increase in BMI, whereas, in females, the results of the two methods were more similar in the normal weight category.
Another simpler way of measuring body fat ratio is by using the Navy-seal formula which only requires simple variables such as age, gender, height, body weight and circumferences of waist, hip and neck. Calculation of body for males is by using the formula of 86.010 x log10 (abdomen - neck) - 70.041 x log10 (height) + 36.76 while for females it is 163.205 x log10 (waist + hip - neck) - 97.684 x log10 (height) - 78.387 [10]. This method for calculating body fat ratio is convenient, inexpensive and is very less time consuming.
Digital scale and wall-mounted stadiometer were used to obtain the weight and height of each participant. Body composition measurements i.e., neck, waist and hip circumferences of all participants were recorded for the US Navy Seal formula. The data was collected by a trained operator using a measuring tape. The variables of age, gender, height, weight and hip, neck and waist circumferences were entered in the US Navy Seal Calculator to determine the percentage of body fat of each participant.
Considering the epidemic of obesity and associated co-morbidities worldwide, there is an increased need to monitor such changes in all age groups by inexpensive and reliable measurement tools [14-15]. The Navy-seal formula and BIA are convenient, cost-effective and readily available methods which can be used as effective prevention and treatment strategies [16-17].
Overall, we observed that the Navy-seal formula had slightly higher values for both muscle mass and body fat ratio in both genders and across all BMI categories in comparison to the BIA method, however, the differences were not statistically significant. To our knowledge, this comparison between results of the Navy-seal formula with BIA method to find out body composition has not been conducted before.
Estimates of body surface area were made based on measurement of 81 subjects, ranging from premature infants to adults. SA was calculated geometrically for each subject from 34 body measurements, and the values obtained compared with those based on previously published formulas and graphs. The most widely used formula, that of Du Bois and Du Bois, increasingly underestimated SA as values fell below 0.7 m2; the disparity was greatest in the newborn infant (7.96%). Closer agreement was obtained with the equations and nomograms of Body, Brody, Faber and Melcher, and Sendroy and Cecchini, although minor deviations were noted in some age ranges. The formula SA (m2) = weight (kg)0.5378 X height (cm)0.3964 X 0.024265, derived from the measured data by multiple regression analysis, gave a good fit for all values of SA from less than 0.2 m2 to greater than 2.0 m2 (r = 0.998). This formula was used to construct nomograms for estimation of SA in infants, children, and adults from height (length) and weight.
Lean body weight is a formula or imaging derived value that generates an estimated patient mass excluding body fat. There are several derived formulas, many of which consider patient height, weight, age, and other demographics to best estimate "fat-free" mass. This formula relies only on p